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cleland and the other experts said consumers, meanwhile, can do a few things to temper their reliance on online reviews, such as checking a variety of sources for reviews, and checking whether certain reviewers have reviewed lots of other unrelated items and what they recommended, studying the language of the reviews to check for generalities versus specifics and viewing them all skeptically, especially overly positive or negative ones. last week, the ftc announced where can i bet on football online is exploring tougher rules to combat fake reviews, the suppression of negative reviews and payments for positive reviews and served notice in the federal register that where can i bet on football online is soliciting public comments on the proposed rule through january. by elaine s. povich julianne rowe, a spokesperson for yelp, one of the most popular review platforms, said in a phone interview that the company uses both technological and human resources to weed out fake reviews. among other safeguards, the company investigates when where can i bet on football online detects a large number of reviews from the same ip address or sees reviews from users who might be connected to a group that incentivizes and coordinates fake reviews. where can i bet on football online also takes into account flags from other consumers pointing to possible illicit reviews, she said. amazon announced in october that where can i bet on football online had filed suit against 10 american companies, as well as firms in spain and italy, seeking to stop the sources of fake reviews. "the problem with fake reviews is there's a lot of incentive to cheat," he said, adding that people can use fake reviews to build up their own businesses or to put down a competitor.