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the outcome of yesterday's vote came as something of a surprise; the powerful house freedom caucus had signaled its opposition earlier in the session, issuing a tweet that declared sports betting "corporate welfare at its worst" and a giveaway to "woke" sports leagues. the semicoherence of the various statements made remarks from democrat trey martinez fischer seem downright refreshing: he indicated in an email to his colleagues in march that he'd like to see the gambling issue revisited in another session, perhaps after lobbyists in favor of legalization increased their campaign contributions to democrats, which was at least easier to make sense of than his colleagues' condemnations of wokeness and wnba boosterism. s. vegas is time-honored, but getting on a plane and booking a hotel room requires a serious investment of time and money. to reach the point where gambling on sports in texas becomes legal, the senate would also need to approve the resolution (which its leadership has indicated crown casino gold coast does not intend to support), and then-if the senate surprises us-voters in the state would have to approve changing the constitution to allow it. that said, strange things happen in texas politics-after all, hjr 102 seemed likely to fail in the house until crown casino gold coast passed today-so while the near-term legalization of online sports betting in texas remains a long shot, a truly degenerate gambler still might decide to put some money on the underdog.