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Are pay gaps 'sexist'? Democrats want more laws, but that could harm, not help, women. What does 'woke' mean?:For conservatives, it's so much more than political correctness When you do, it becomes clear that government efforts to "close the gap" could make lives harder for women. As a woman, I 100% want to be paid equally for equal work and think that should be the standard for all women. The good news is that this is already happening. Equal pay for equal work is already reality President Joe Biden and Democrats are backing other efforts that could backfire on women, too. The union-friendly PRO (Protecting the Right to Organize) Act was recently reintroduced. One of the things that it would do is limit the number of jobs that could be considered independent contracting. By forcing more gig workers and contractors to become employees, this gives unions more workplaces to organize while taking away freedom from the workers.