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Does Amazon Pay Out Vacation When You Quit? Exploring the Pros and Cons Exploring the Amazon Vacation Payout Policy for Employees Who Quit The first thing to understand about Amazon's vacation payout policy for those who quit is that it depends on the individual's employment status. For example, if a person is an hourly employee, then they are not eligible for vacation payouts when they quit. However, if a person is a salaried employee, then they may be eligible for vacation payouts depending on their tenure with the company. In addition, Amazon's vacation payout policies also vary by region and country, so it is important to check your local policies before quitting your job at Amazon. Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Quitting an Amazon Job with Vacation Pay In order to determine if you are eligible for vacation payouts when you quit your job at Amazon, it's important to understand the specifics of their vacation payout policies. First, you should review your employment agreement to make sure that you are within the allotted timeframe for receiving vacation payouts. Additionally, Amazon typically requires departing employees to submit a written request for vacation payouts, which must be approved by the Human Resources department. Once approved, you will receive a lump sum payment equal to the amount of accrued vacation time. It's also important to note that Amazon requires departing employees to sign a release form before they can receive their vacation payouts. This form releases Amazon from any liability related to the employee's departure, and it also waives any right to sue the company. Additionally, the form states that the employee agrees to never disclose any confidential information they may have obtained while employed at Amazon.