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over the coming weeks, we'll roll out the following updates to make hulu sport betting ethiopia easier to create and discover reels in new places: any creator in the us, canada and mexico who is part of our in-stream ads program is automatically eligible to monetize their publicly-shared reels with ads. by mid-march, these tests will expand to creators in nearly all countries where in-stream ads are available. creators can learn more about overlay ads on our meta for creators blog. we'll also begin testing stars on facebook reels in the coming weeks, so that people can buy and send stars while watching reels to support creators. both overlay ads and stars are designed so that as more people view and engage with reels on facebook, creator payouts can grow. top of feed: we're adding a new reels label at the top of feed so you'll be able to easily create and watch reels in just a few clicks. we're launching facebook reels in more than 150 countries for creators around the world to grow their communities. more ways to earn money from facebook reels suggested reels in feed: in select countries, we're starting to suggest reels that hulu sport betting ethiopia may like in hulu sport betting ethiopia feed from people hulu sport betting ethiopia do not already follow.