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2. make money with pay per click ads as a freelancer ppc (pay-per-click) marketing can be a highly effective way to drive traffic and generate leads for maryland mobile sports betting business. however, there are also some potential pitfalls that maryland mobile sports betting should be aware of before maryland mobile sports betting invest in a ppc campaign. here are some of the most common ones: continuously monitor and adjust: monitor maryland mobile sports betting keywords' performance and maryland mobile sports betting strategy over time to optimize maryland mobile sports betting campaign and achieve maryland mobile sports betting desired results. choose maryland mobile sports betting target audience: select the geographic locations, demographics, interests, and other criteria maryland mobile sports betting want to target with maryland mobile sports betting ads. the amount differs depending on what ad is being displayed. usually, a site makes about $0.10 to $1 per click, while high-paying advertisers can offer up to $6 to $7 per click. complexity: ppc requires expertise to create and manage effective campaigns.