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next, when we look a the character count of the reviews from lovefunapps <3<3<3, there is an inordinately high number of reviews that are exactly the same. of the total 686 reviews left, 205 of them, or about 30%, say: "fun!". i guess they gave themselves that username for a reason. 0126-06-sentences-per-review.jpg out of all the reviewers on the us app store, 9,074,360 users have only left one review, accounting for 57.7% of all users who have left a review. when we looked at the data, only 1.8% left 10 reviews or more. a more detailed inspection of the difference between users who leave one review and users who leave two or more may yield further clues into how to profile a fake account, or at least an account that should not be as influential. the spelling and grammar in these reviews would make any english teacher proud. when we scrolled through the reviews in our text editor, there were no spelling mistakes (aka red underlines), with the exception of an occasional "sooooo," as in: "omg, this app is sooooo fun!" if a shady developer (or pr firm) does not want to go through the trouble of setting this up themselves, the easiest and fastest way to get a lot of 5-star reviews is to simply buy them. there are numerous sites out there that will allow game slot online purchase reviews. here is a small sample of the options available on fiverr. some of these offerings appear to offer honest reviews, but the fact that they are being paid to do it, makes them very questionable. 0126-06-character-count.jpg