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With Amazon's expansion into video, there are several additional places where video reviews can be published to help grow online casinos slots business. Unfortunately, too many organizations view customers as little more than transactions. And when the customer relationship becomes completely transactional, businesses miss out. Alternatively, companies that make customer advocacy their primary focus can turn their buyers into true partners for ongoing success. Here, we discuss customer advocacy-what online casinos slots is, why it's important, and how online casinos slots can apply customer advocacy strategies in online casinos slots business to put online casinos slots customers first. A well-designed testimonial template can make all the difference in turning a potential lead into a buying customer. It is no secret that testimonials are an essential step in a buyer's conversion path. In fact, studies have shown that simply having testimonials on a sales page can increase conversions by up to 30-50%. If that's not enough, 92% of B2B consumers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review/testimonial: Needless to say, their importance shouldn't be underestimated. Read Story You can collect Amazon product video reviews from people that purchased online casinos slots product on Amazon or that purchased online casinos slots product outside of Amazon. You just need to ask, get permission, and have a very simple and easy way for customers to submit video reviews directly to you. This way you're able to publish the authentic video review with permission on multiple locations. What are Video Reviews on Amazon?