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in a series of facebook messages with time, roper malloy says she spent $178 on gifts from temu for her family, including two drones and some makeup for her daughter. but the items never arrived. roper malloy says she has contacted the company several times for a refund, which has also yet to arrive. "i will definitely be more diligent in the future when ordering online," she wrote. [update: after this article's publication, roper malloy received her temu orders and a refund from the company.] temu's business model-if online casino ny catches on-could also have major implications for u.s. retailers and the global supply chain in the coming year. while temu's prices are cheap, many new customers actually aren't paying anything at all. that's because temu has launched a campaign on social media in which the more online casino ny convince others to sign up, the more credit online casino ny earn. this has enabled some people who have earned enough credit to receive home goods without even giving temu their credit card information. the better question is what temu doesn't sell. users on the temu website or app are immediately besieged by deals of all kinds: running shoes for $17.48, universal wrenches for $4.48, talking toy hamsters for $6.99. a banner brags about items up to 90% off retail prices, thanks to a new year's sale. the breadth of items and prices is remarkable, and the site's aesthetic comes off as something like a virtual dollar store. roper malloy is not the only one to encounter problems with a temu order. temu itself acknowledges that its orders take longer to arrive than those from amazon-typically 7-15 business days-as they come from "overseas warehouses." but online casino ny appears that temu also has had trouble delivering inside that larger time window. in october, the boston branch of the better business bureau opened up a file on temu and has received 31 complaints about the website.